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Did You Know…

….that the two Gallagher brothers had their first fight of many in our car park. Norman Watson was shooting them in Studio 6 in 1994 and they fell out about who was the best dancer. Good music though.

….spare a thought, back in the mists of time, for the poor Commissary cook (this was before it was called the Commissary) who had to provide lunch for seven celebrity chefs – Jamie, Gordon, Heston and four of their mates. Scary.

….that one time when Vince over-estimated the Eagle Wharf ceiling height with the consequence that the whole floor of a very complicated set build of the London skyline had to be consigned to the rubbish bin. Oops!

….the FBI and CIA turned up to Back Hill because Ronald Reagan’s daughter was being photographed.

….the Russian Fight Squad turned up to Roger Street because Nadia Comaneci was being photographed.

….the SAS turned up to Eagle Wharf Road because Tony Blair was being photographed.

….Vince went to the library in Holborn and looked up loads of “Eagle” symbols in 1989. Only one was not in current use (i.e. by Barclays Bank , USA, Austria, etc) so he took a photstat which was about 2″ square. He gave it to a model maker and he carved the eagle with a heated wire from 2 polyboards. If you look to the top left you can see the join in the two boards.

….do you know that “Addicted to Love” and “Simply Irresistible” by Robert Palmer were both shot at Holborn Studios.

….did you know that “Welcome to the Pleasuredome” by Frankie Goes to Hollywood was shot at Holborn Studios.

….Chris Duffy photographer and film maker was once in a band with Adam of the Ants. The band was called Bazooka Joe and they headlined at a gig which was the first public appearance of an emergent punk band – the Sex Pistols.

….the then Poet Laureate, Sir John Betjemen, decorously allowed four willing HS assistants to carry him in his trusty wheelchair up two flights of stairs because of a misunderstanding by the Sunday Times features department of our description for the second floor access. A hoist is not a lift. What a lovely, jolly gentleman.

….Nanker and Phelge are the noms de plume of quite a famous song writing duo who pay us a visit occasionally. Wanna guess? M.Jagger and K.Richards

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